Reflections of emotions, feelings and thoughts, shaped into unique sculptures.


“I use my sculptures and the significant moments in my life, which they stand for, to find common ground between the spectators inner emotional world and mine.

I hope the sculpture becomes an everlasting reflection for that feeling.”


“Using a diversity of materials (including waste) I replace the original purpose of that material by a new surprising one. I want to challenge the spectator to look over and over again and start a journey of discovery and wondering. I hope this will lead to embracing the sculpture and the reflection it stands for. “


Petra Cox 


To know a little bit more about the background of my 'Reflections by Petra Cox' collection, take a look at the video below.

If you are interested in all the sculptures from the Reflections by Petra Cox collection, you can apply for my portfolio E-book. Please leave your E-mail adress and I will gladly send you a We-Transfer download link.

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